
Team Lithuania

Team Lithuania

Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the United States of America and to the United Mexican States, Consulate General in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles, specialized agencies and members of the Lithuanian diaspora work hand in hand to develop a mutually beneficial economic cooperation, boost exports of the Lithuanian goods and services, attract FDI to Lithuania and promote inbound tourism.

Team Lithuania members

Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania

Honorary Consuls in USA

Honorary Consuls in Mexico

Clubs of the Lithuanian professionals in USA

Specialized Agencies

Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in USA

H. E. Ms. Audra Plepytė


Phone: +1 202 234 5860

E-mail: amb.us@urm.lt

Ms. Justė Laukagalė

Minister Counsellor (economic affairs)

Phone: +1 202 234 5860

E-mail: juste.laukagale@urm.lt 

Ms. Jūratė Usevičiūtė

Counsellor (economic affairs)

Phone: +1 202 234 5860

E-mail: jurate.useviciute@urm.lt 

Mr. Mindaugas Simonaitis

Agriculture and commerce attaché

Phone: +1 202 234 5860

E-mail: mindaugas.simonaitis@urm.lt 

Mr. Regimantas Jablonskas (Consulate General in Chicago)

Consul General

Phone: +1 312 397 0382

E-mail: regimantas.jablonskas@urm.lt 

Ms. Aistė Jakštienė

Counsellor (economic affairs)

Phone: +1 312 397 0382 

E-mail: aiste.jakstiene@urm.lt

Mr. Sergejus Tichomirovas

Commercial Attaché

Phone: +1 312 678 2536

E-mail: sergejus.tichomirovas@urm.lt

Ms. Sandra Brikaitė (Consulate General in Los Angeles)

Consul General

Phone: +1 424 341 8701

E-mail: sandra.brikaite@urm.lt 

Ms. Justina Jakavonytė

First Secretary (economic affairs)

Phone: +1 424 341 8701

E-mail: justina.jakavonyte@urm.lt  

Mr. Mantas Zamžickas 

Commercial attaché

Phone: +1 424 341 8701

E-mail: mantas.zamzickas@urm.lt

Mr. Dovydas Špokauskas (Consulate General in New York)

Consul general 

Phone: +1 212 444 7282

E-mail: dovydas.spokauskas@urm.lt 

Mr. Giedrius Galkauskas

Minister Plenipotentiary (economic affairs)

Phone: +1 212 444 7282

E-mail: giedrius.galkauskas@urm.lt   


Honorary Consuls in USA

Algimantas Albinas Karnavičius

Honorary Consul in the USA (Florida)

Address: 2855 59th Circle South, St. Petersburg,  FL 33712 USA

Phone: +1 727 432 0709; Fax: +1 727 822 2252

E-mail:. LtConsulFlorida@gmail.com

Astra Julianne Michels

Honorary Consul in the USA (Nevada)

Address: 1112 Pinehurst Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 USA

Phone: +1 702 892 0499

E-mail: astrajm@yahoo.com

Daiva Valerija Navarrette

Honorary Consul in the USA (Santa Barbara, San Benito, Santa Cruz, San Luis Obispo, Monterey and Ventura counties in California)

Address: 5450 Bromely Dr., Oak Park, CA 91377 USA

Phone: +1 818 451 9966; Fax: +1 818 583 1736

E-mail: daivanmail@gmail.com

Dennis Lee Garrison

Honorary Consul in the USA (Northern California)

Address: 3201 Danville Boulevard, Suite 266, Alamo, CA  94507 USA

Phone: +1 925 277 3090, +1 925 406 4556

E-mail: dgarrison@clubsportsr.com

Rasa Kristina Raisys

Honorary Consul in the USA (Washington)

Address: 1351 Lake Washington Blvd. S., Seattle WA 98144 USA

Phone: +1 206 909 3862

E-mail: rasaraisys@gmail.com 

Ingrida Gertrūda Bublys

Honorary Consul General in the USA (Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky)

Address: 1 Bratenahl Place, Suite 1110, Bratenahl, Ohio 44108-1155 USA

Phone: +1 440 946 3397, +1 216 798 5136, +370 698 24824 (when in Europe)

E-mail: ingrida.bublys@ibinternationalinc.com

Ira Mark Lubert

Honorary Consul in the USA (New Jersey)

Adresas: 2500 McClellan Ave, Suite 200, Pennsauken Township, NJ  08109 USA

Phone: +1 215 972 2202

E-mail: lithuanian.consul.nj@gmail.com

Jeffrey Allen Nelson

Honorary Consul General in the USA (Virginia)

Address: 3200 Rockbridge Street, Suite 105, Richmond, VA 23230 USA

Phone: + 202 365 8372

E-mail: jnelson@strategicstaff.com

John Vytautas Prunskis

Honorary Consul in the USA (Florida)

Address: 2110 N. Ocean Blvd, #2901,  Fort Lauderdale, FL 33305 USA

Phone: +1 970 236 1500

E-mail: info@aspenconsul.com; jvp@aspenconsul.com; 

Kerry Elizabeth Secrest

Honorary Consul in the USA (Vermont)

Address: 904 Upper Dummerston Rd. Brattleboro, VT 05301 USA

Phone: +1 802 451 0842

E-mail: kerry@watershedcoachingllc.com

Kęstutis Paulius Žygas

Honorary Consul in the USA (Arizona)

Address: 1132 E. Driftwood Dr. Tempe, AZ 85283 USA

Phone: +1 480 965 6462; Fax. +1 480 965 0968

E-mail: kpzygas@cox.net 

Kristina Butvydas Bard

Honorary Consul General in the USA (Pennsylvania)

Address: 410-412 S. 16th St. Philadelphia, PA 19146 USA

Phone: +1 215 735 7110; Fax: +1 215 735 7071

E-mail: kbard@kristabard.com

Michael J. Breen

Honorary Consul in the USA (Florida)

Address: 13289 Long Cypress Trail, Jacksonville, FL 32223USA

Phone: +1 904 349 0884

E-mail: mbreen@tbcint.net

Randolph Latourette Miller

Honorary Consul in the USA (Oregon)

Address: 333 S.E. 2nd Ave. Portland, OR 97214 USA

Phone: +1 503 234 5000; Fax: +1 503 731 0111

E-mail: Randy@ProduceRowLLC.com

Rimas Antanas Česonis

Honorary Consul in the USA (New York)

Address: 2400 Mt. Read Blvd, Dock 55, Rochester, NY 14615 USA

Phone: +1 585 981 9030; Fax: +1 585 216 9254

E-mail: thelith@yahoo.com

Romualda Klicius

Honorary Consul in the USA (Georgia)

Address: 1805 Roswell Road, apt #24C, Marietta, GA 30062 USA

Phone: +1 826 0097

E-mail: HonConsul.LT@gmail.com

Svaja Vansauskas Worthington

Honorary Consul in the USA (Alaska)

Address: 2007 Hillcrest Drive, Anchorage, AK 99517 USA

Phone: +1 907 688 2190

E-mail: svajaw@hotmail.com

Teodoro Forcht Dagi

Honorary Consul in the USA (Massachusetts)

Address: 423 Commonwealth Avenue, Newton Centre, MA 02459 USA

Phone: +1 617 301 0404

E-mail: lithuanian.consul.ma@gmail.com

William Carl Altman

Honorary Consul in the USA (Texas)

Address: 4030 Case Street, Houston, TX 77005-3606 USA

Phone: +1 713 665 4218

E-mail: ltconsultx@gmail.com

Dalia Giedrimiene

Honorary Consul in the USA (Connecticut)

Address: 90 Peckham Farm Drive, Newington, Connecticut 06111 USA

Phone: +1 860 965 4141

E-mail: LTconsul@gmail.com; dgiedrim@gmail.com  

Suzanne Lowden

Honorary Viceconsul in the USA (Nevada)

Address: 9004 Greensboro Lane, Las Vegas NV 89134 USA

Phone: +1 702 429 4802

E-mail: slowden01@gmail.com 


Honorary Consuls in Mexico

Ronén Waisser Landau

Address: Darwin 67, Col. Anzures, CDMX, 11590, México

Phone: +52 55 5596 2945

E-mail: consul@consuladolituaniamex.org


Clubs of the Lithuanian professionals in USA:

Rotary Club of Chicagoland Lithuanians


President: Renata Kanopka

Lithuanian American Business Association in Los Angeles | LABA.LA


Presidents: Eleonora Jonušienė ir Kęstas Barzdaitis

Washington DC Lithuanian Professionals




New York Lithuanian Professionals | NYLP


President: Gedas Ramanauskas

Lithuanian City of Chicago Club | LCCC


President: Dalius Savickas


Specialized Agencies

Innovation Agency

Innovation Agency Lithuania is the official public agency responsible for the development of Lithuanian innovation ecosystem and the promotion of innovation at all stages of business development – from developing ideas to delivering products and services to end-users.

Address: Juozo Balčikonio g. 3, LT-08247 Vilnius, Lithuania

Phone: +370 620 75756

E-mail: info@inovacijuagentura.lt

„Invest Lithuania“

Agency for Foreign Direct Investment and Business Development

Invest Lithuania” assists foreign investors in getting their businesses established in Lithuania by helping them make the most informed decisions for the new operations, connecting the potential investors with the key players to ensure the soft landing for their set up and providing the aftercare and support for the investment projects.

Address: Upės g. 23-1, 3rd floor, 08128 Vilnius, Lithuania

Phone: +370 5 262 7438

E-mail: info@investlithuania.com


Lithuania’s Food Export Promotion Agency (“LITFOOD”)

LitFOOD is a non-profit organization established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, with a purpose to promote exports of high value-added Lithuanian agricultural and food products as well as enabling B2B, B2C and G2B partnerships for Lithuanian business across the globe.

Address: Juozo Balčikonio g. 3, LT-08247 Vilnius, Lithuania

Phone: +370 5 638 77244

E-mail: info@litfood.lt


„Lithuania Travel“

National Agency for Lithuanian Tourism Promotion

“Lithuania Travel”, acting under the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, is responsible for Lithuania's tourism marketing and promotion. It collaborates closely with tourism businesses and organisations and presents Lithuanian tourism products, services and experiences on social and digital media, press trips, international travel exhibitions and B2B events.

Address: Gedimino pr. 38, Vilnius, Lithuania

Phone: +370 5 250 8250

E-mail: info@lithuania.travel
